yoga class options:

public group classes

  • open to the public or a large group of people

  • held at various locations throughout Essex County.

  • contact us if you would like us to hold a class near you!

  • price options are negotiable.

  • click here to view our current schedule.

private group classes

  • good for smaller groups of friends, coworkers, or family.

  • contact us if you would like to hold a class near you!

  • $100 for 4 people or less, $10 addition for each person over 4.

private class:

  • best for 1 - 2 people

  • we come to your house

  • $80

please read terms & conditions before purchasing



yoga class descriptions


We know that yoga can seem intimidating. Our teachers have heard it all, "I'm not flexible enough for yoga" "I don't have the 'yoga body'" "I'm afraid I'll be the only male" "I'm afraid I'll be the oldest" and on and on and on.

We want to show you that yoga is just as much for you as it is for everyone else. In our Beginners classes our teachers will break down yoga postures so that they feel safe and accessible. They will also go over common transitions between poses, how to use yoga props, yoga breathing, and some basic yoga philosophy and concepts.

Good for public & private group classes, as well as private individual classes.


Sometimes called Vinyasa or Power, a flowing style of yoga is one in which postures are connected by a series of transitions. In our Flow classes you will typically hold each posture for about 5 breaths before moving onto the next one. We love this class because it encourages students to connect their body, mind, and breath in a way that often feels more accessible than sitting still in meditation or holding poses. 

Good for public & private group classes. Good for private individual classes when there is a specific pose that you want to learn.

Gentle Yoga

Whether you are a beginner, stiff & achy, pregnant, have physical limitations, or have been practicing yoga for years, in this class you will learn to be gentle with your body in a safe atmosphere free of competition and comparison. Your body does a lot for you and endures wear and tear on a daily basis, show it some love. In our gentle classes, you will flow slowly, breathe fully, and hold poses long enough to enjoy the stretching and the subtle strength building of your muscles as well as the stillness of your mind. This class is accessible, softer, and slow-paced and doesn't require a lot of flexibility or strength. Stop thinking about your body here and start experiencing it. 

Perfect for private one-on-one classes or small private group classes of people with similar limitations.


Restorative Yoga is a restful form of yoga that moves really slowly. A typical restorative sequence only consists of five or six poses that are held for several minutes each. These postures are relaxing ones that are practiced on the floor, fully supported by props, to make the longer holds possible and comfortable. Restorative Yoga is a great class for people with stressful lives, anxious nervous systems, and who take part in more vigorous forms of exercise. If you fall asleep, no worries, you probably needed sleep more than meditation.

Great for public group classes or private small group classes.

Yoga en Español

Sabemos que el yoga puede aparecer intimidante. Nuestros instructores lo han escuchado todo: "No soy lo suficiente flexible para el yoga," "No tengo un 'cuerpo' de yoga," "Estoy preocupado que seré el único hombre," "Estoy preocupado que seré el más antiguo," "Me aburriré," y mucho mas.

Queremos mostrarle que el yoga es tanto para usted como para todos los demás. En nuestras clases, nuestros instructores analizarán las posturas de yoga para que se sientan seguros y alcanzables. También repasarán las transiciones comunes entre las posturas, cómo usar los accesorios de yoga, la respiración de yoga y algunos conceptos básicos de la filosofía del yoga. Queremos que te vayas sintiéndote exitoso.

Todos los estudiantes son bienvenidos en nuestras clases, pero tenga en cuenta que esta es una clase para principiantes. Si tiene una práctica más avanzada, le pedimos que toma este tiempo para afinar las posturas básicas en lugar de practicar variaciónes avanzadas. Nos gusta pensar que cuanto más avanzada sea su práctica, más pequeños y matizados se vuelven.