Indoor Classes At TYG


We are excited to begin to hold indoor classes at TYG once again. Currently we keep the studio door open for our indoor classes. We have also added two air ionizers with HEPA filters to the practice space.

Please read and follow the rules for attending indoor classes:

  1. You must pre-register for these classes. We will not be accepting any drop-in students for these classes.

  2. Masks are optional.

  3. Please respect social distancing and each other’s space at all times while in the studio.

  4. Bring your own mat and props.

Please note that most of our indoor classes will also be live-streamed! When you go to sign-up online for class, please make sure you choose the right class. Choose INDOOR if you are hoping to take class inside the studio and LIVESTREAM if you are planning to take class over Zoom.

Kristen Brunello