20 minute led Yoga Nidra to reduce stress and promote well-being and tranquility.
This is a recording of a livestream class. Gentle flow for 30 minutes and restorative for 30 minutes.
10 Minute Ujjayi Pranayama can be done any time of the day. It is a good breathing exercise to practice in the mornings and evenings, when you're stressed out, or leading up to meditation.
This is a recording of a livestream class. Class includes gentle movements and longer held restorative postures.
This is a recording of a livestream. It starts with slow flow and ends in restorative.
This is a recording of one of our livestream classes. Class starts with 30 minutes of a gentle flow and ends with 30 minutes of restorative. Poses in this class focus on opening the inner thighs and hips.
This is a recording of one of our livestream classes. It includes 25 minutes of gentle movement and then 30 minutes of restorative yoga. For this class it would be helpful to have 2-3 blankets and a pillow.
This is a recording of one of our livestream classes. Class consists of 25 minutes of gentle flow and then 35 minutes of restorative. Have a few blankets on hand, 2 blocks/a few stacks of books, and your favorite relaxing playlist.
30 Minutes of restorative, 20 Minutes of gentle movement to open your joints.
This is a recording from a livestream class. Class starts with gentle flow and then leads into restorative yoga. Having a bolster or pillow will be helpful for this class.
Take a moment to ground yourself down with this calming chakra meditation. Start with a pranayama exercise done seated then move into a guided chakra meditation moving from the root to crown chakras.
Let’s talk about the benefits of breathing during times of stress. Stress increases the production of cortisol in our system, high leves of cortisol weakness our immune system. Breathing lowers cortisol leves and strengthen our immune system. So, inhale...
Hablemos un poquito de los beneficios de la respiración en los momentos de estrés. Cuando estamos en momentos de estrés los niveles de cortisol en nuestro cuerpo suben y a consecuencia nuestro sistema inmune se debilita. Cuando respiramos de manera apropiada los niveles de cortisol bajan y así nuestro sistema inmune está más fuerte. Así que inhale...