This is a recording of a livestream class that focuses on opening the neck, shoulders and chest.

This 15 minute flow moves through the Sun Salutations but includes backhanding variations to open up your heart.

This is a recording of a livestream class. For this class, have a strap and two blocks available. This class focuses on opening up the shoulders and chest and strengthening the back.

This is a recording of a livestream class. This flow class focuses on opening up the front body with many shoulder, chest and neck stretches.

This is a recording of a livestream class. Class opens the front body in poses like puppy, gecko cobra, and half frog, working towards Dancer Pose.

This is a recording of a livestream class. This flow class opens the front body in chest, shoulder and quad stretches.

Welcome to Mini Class. In less than 10 minutes, you’ll examine common postures seen in yoga classes and explore ways to adapt them for your individual anatomy. This Mini Class addresses Cobra Pose and Upward Facing Dog.
This is a recording of a livestream class that focuses on shoulders and backbends.
This is a recording of a livestream class. Kristen calls this class "The Open Door". This strong flow includes heart openers, ab work, and twists, working into revolved dancers pose.
This is a recording of a livestream class. Class focuses on opening up the hips, quads, and chest for a standing split variation and bow pose. It also focuses on strengthening the abs in poses like side plank.
We often come to yoga to stretch & move, but yoga also helps us listen & feel. This class includes Sun Salutations & flow to help you move things around, as well as restorative backbends & hip openers to help you rest and feel.
If you’ve found yourself curling into a ball on the couch with lots of blankets lately, this class is for you. We focus on balancing out the effects of protecting our bodies from cold weather by finding expansion in the front body. Expect shoulder openers and back-bending.
This class was created the day after a blizzard in NJ (but can be taken by anyone). It moves the spine, stretches the lower back and side body, and opens the chest. It includes poses like pigeon, half frog, supine twist, sphinx, and wild thing.
This is a recording of a livestream class. This strong flow opens the hips and heart, working towards mermaid pose.
This is a recording of a livestream class. Class threads eagle arms throughout many poses and includes different variations of eagle pose.
This is a 30 minutes practice to open up your chest and your shoulders.
This is a recording of a livestream class. Originally taught at 6am, this class start slow to open up your body. Class focuses on opening the upper body in poses like rabbit, camel, eagle, and cow face.
This is a recording of a livestream class that focuses on shoulder mobility and side body stretching.
This is a recording of a livestream class themed around using yoga to be flexible and accepting of circumstances. This flowy class opens the heart, side body, and quads.
This is a recording of a livestream class. It includes backbends, gentle camel poses, and hip openers, working towards mermaid pose.
This is a recording of a livestream class that is about binding. Class includes back strengthening, ab work, some arm balance options, and works towards a bound tree pose.
This is a recording of a livestream class that opens up the chest, shoulders, and quads.
This is a recording of a livestream class. Its focus was on strengthening the back body.
This is a recording of a livestream class. It focuses on shoulder opening and has a lot of forearm planks.
This 45-minute flow is meant to open up your shoulders.
This 45 minute backbend-focused sequence is designed to strengthen the muscles of your back-body in order to support front-body opening.
This is a recording of one of our livestream classes. It focuses on the shoulders, neck and hips!
This is a recording of a livestream class. The focus of this class was heart and hip openers, working towards mermaid pose.
This is a recording of a livestream flow class. It focuses on hip and heart openers with the theme of steadiness.
You may find yourself spending a lot more time than usual crunched over the laptop. This vinyasa was designed to open into the heart space with slow and steady dynamic movements
This is a recording of a livestream class. It focuses on abdominal poses and backbends.
This open-level 60 minute flow consists of heart openers, ending with an option for Full Wheel Pose.
This is a recording from one of our livestream classes. It focuses on stretching the chest, shoulders, neck, and upper back.